Finally, I am Back Again with Great New Information! Part-1

Hi, there my lovely beautiful lodestars! πŸ™‹πŸŒŸ
I cannot say how happy I am to write a post for you guys again.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜€
It's been so long, the summer vacation passed, and I had fits and starts... πŸ˜“πŸ˜• Thus, I did not even write about anything.. But, then an opportunity came to me with the support of my lovely friend "Munise", we had a chance to go to Antalya in order to attend a beautiful project which is called "P21". We had lectures about;

  • 21st Century Skills (4Cs),
  • Meeting &Harmony Activities,
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, 
  • Communication and Collaboration,
  • Creativity,
  • Productivity and Accountability,
  • Leadership and Responsibility,
  • Initiative and Self-Directed Learning.
Now, I am going to talk about them one by one. I am planning to divide the posts into three in order to remove them from getting boring.πŸ˜žπŸ˜– I hope you guys will enjoy the post, and please be sure that I am going to try my best to make it enthusiastic. 😎😌😏πŸ’₯

P.S I decided not to talk about 21st Century Skills, because of the fact that I already have a post about it. (You can click on it in order to read it. πŸ’)

πŸ’™ Starting with "Meeting &Harmony Activities"
It was the first day of the training and besides Munise, I did not know anyone at all. So, I was a bit anxious you guys can guess.πŸ˜‘πŸ˜…
Hopefully, our lecturer made us do major activities in order to get to know each other and most importantly to trust each other during the training. 

πŸ“Firstly, we stand up and wandered around the class. While wandering, we greeted the people we faced and talked to them about our personal likes and dislikes, etc. 
πŸ“Afterward, we arranged a huge circle sitting and starting to tell our names with their stories.

        E.g. Hi everyone, I am GΓΌlfinaz GΓΌlşah.🌹 You guys can say I have a pretty long name. My grand-uncle gave this name to me and it means the queen of roses and the tale woman. 
πŸ“Then, we made 2 different activities that evaluated our trust for each other.
                                    ⇒ Firstly, we let ourselves through our friends and tested them if they could catch us or not.πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‚ (Hopefully, I did not fall. πŸ˜…)
                                 ⇒ Secondly, we became pairs and by the time one of us closed their eyes, the other wandered his/her around by touching fingers. (Trust Your Friend Activity)
πŸ“Finally, we were ready to work together as a group. πŸ˜ŒπŸ™†πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’¬

πŸ’šCritical Thinking and Problem Solving
 Actually, after all these years as students or teachers, we all are very much familiar with the term "Critical Thinking".  Well, what would you guys say about this precious 21st-century term? or "Do you think it is well understood? Please, comment below...πŸ“’ 
For me, it is "thinking about thinking" in order to deal effectively with our problems & "following the steps in Bloom's Taxonomy" in order to reach the highest learning level which is "Create".πŸ”¨πŸ”¬πŸ”¨πŸ˜‰
What about today & future teachers? I mean, do not you think we should teach our students how to think rather than what to think? 

Oops, I was nearly forgetting the best friend of critical thinking, which is Problem Solving. (Sorry for that boss!πŸ™ˆπŸ˜₯πŸ˜…)
As can be understood that it exists to help us to solve our problems. But, how?
πŸ”– Identifying the problem,
πŸ”– Define the context,    
πŸ”– Enumerate the choices,
πŸ”– Analyze the options,
πŸ”– List reasons explicitly,
πŸ”– Self-correct.

✔With the help of Practice, we can improve our thinking by giving several solutions, brainstorming, comparing & contrasting and encouraging creativity❗

 As I said in the beginning, I am going to continue with Part 2.πŸ˜πŸ’
Thank you so much for reading and giving your time and attention. I hope you guys get some new ideas about teaching and important terms of 21st-century learning.πŸ™πŸŒž✨ 
Play the waiting game everyone..πŸ’ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ’«
 Until the next post, take care of yourselves lodestars!πŸ‘€❤


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