What is 21st Century Learning?

P.S. If you want to do your own Word Cloud as mine, please click on my Word Cloud.

 Hello everyone! I hope you are all good. Today, my main focus is going to be on 21st Century Learning. If you are ready, fasten your seatbelts. ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ 

 As we talk about 21st Century, at first we all remember 4Cs. What are these 4Cs? Let's have a look at them.

  • Creativity❗
  • Communication❗
  • Collaboration❗
  • Critical Thinking❗
  In our classrooms, we want to be active in order to be on-task. While we are on-task with the help of student/learner-centered activities we can reveal the creative one that actually was sleeping so long inside us. During these fun counting activities, we can interact with our peers and collaborate with them. And Taa-Daaaa! ๐Ÿ‘Here is a beautiful project that we made by sharing our ideas and making judgement about the problem with a critical approach.
  Today, learning for passing the exams has become old-fashioned. Learners want to learn for their own progress. This Technological Era (21st Century) requires learners to use the technology in the classrooms. As it is understood, we can clarify the roles in the language learning process as:
  • Teachers: Guides
  • Learners/ Students: Doers & Creators
  Well, is it done? "Fortunately", no.๐Ÿ˜ƒ Without our motivation can we do anything enthusiastically? Thus, again teachers should provide a motivating learning environment which includes different learning styles as well. They should give tasks that can increase their learners responsibility levels. 
   Believe me everyone, the more learners be active in the class (as using the technology, asking questions, making researches, interacting with the teachers and peers...)  the more fruitful the lesson gets. 
   To sum up, using technology is an inevitable need in our century. The important questions to be answered are:
  1. In which point/task do you use the technology?
  2. Do you use technology efficiently?
  3. Does the technology usage motivate the learners' learning process?
  4. Does your pedagogy mesh with the way you use the technology?
   Thanks for reading everyone!๐Ÿ˜„ If you have anything in your minds to share, please leave a comment.๐Ÿ™Œ

Here, there are some videos that can be beneficial for your understandings.


  1. I see you’ve done your wordcloud not figuratively but literally a word ‘cloud’. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Liked the post and looking forward to see more!


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